Showing 253–264 of 369 results

Precore C015ES Rear Delt / Pec Fly

The Vitality™ Series Rear Delt / Pec Fly features pivoting arms that adjust for user arm length. The easy-adjust start position and dual hand positions offer exercise variety.

Precore C019ES Seated Row

The Vitality™ Series Seated Row features an adjustable chest pad and seat height for desired starting position. Extra-long seat allows taller users to get a full range of motion. Comfortable grips with multiple hand positions fit users of all sizes. Users can easily engage the add-on weight with a simple push of a lever to increase the work load.

Precore C023ES Tricep Extension

The Vitality™ Series Dual Bicep Curl / Tricep Extension features a combination auto-adjust bicep / tricep grip and convenient start position adjustment while seated on the machine.

Precore C024ES Multi-Press

The Vitality™ Series Multi-Press features 3 machines in one: bench press, incline press, and shoulder press. Users can adjust press

Precore C025ES Bicep Curl/Tricep Extension

The Vitality™ Series Dual Bicep Curl / Tricep Extension features a combination auto-adjust bicep / tricep grip and convenient start

Precore C027ES Leg Extension/Leg Curl

The Vitality™ Series Leg Extension / Leg Curl is a dual-function machine designed with convenient, easy-to-adjust ankle pad and shin

Precore C028ES Abdominal / Back Extension

The Vitality™ Series Abdominal / Back Extension is a dual-function machine designed so the user can perform both exercises without getting out of the machine.